The Future of History of Science and Technology / History of Science and Technology for the Future
29 Sep 2023, 00.01 AM - 22.00 PM UTC

                     In cooperation with:

Conversation on the Future of DHST

The HST festival is not only an opportunity for the international community of historians of science and technology to work and discuss the future of HST/HST for the future but also to have a conversation on the future of the DHST itself. During the two planned open-floor discussions (sessions 5 and session 22) are intended for this purpose.  We believe that the future of the DHST should be shaped and carried by the larger international community and we welcome any thoughts or ideas you might have in this respect.

We also welcome any feedback on the draft of a DHST manifesto proposed by the DHST council and written in the wake of the HST festival. Moreover, the open floor sessions are also an occasion for representatives of members and commissions to give feedback on the current draft for the revised Respectful Behavior Policy and the proposal for a changed Nominations policy. Just click on the links to view the documents.

The open-floor sessions are open zoom sessions -- feel welcome to join us in the conversation!

If you have an other relevant documents that you believe can and should be shared for these sessions, please contact us here and we will make sure to add them here.


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